eMRTD Connector SDK Android

This Package Handles Reading an NFC Enabled Passport Using Android

Read and Verify an eMRTD ICAO NFC Chip With the Document Validation Server

Overview eMRTD Connector SDK Android

The DocVal Server will directly communicate with the eMRTD (NFC Chip) of an ICAO Passport. The DocVal Server is able to read the data (like MRZ info or photo of face) and verify the authenticity and integrity of the data.

If the eMRTD supports the required protocols, the DocVal Server will additionally be able to verify that the chip was not cloned.

The result (data and check-results) will be posted (using an HTTP POST request) to a Result Server.

Important: In order to access the eMRTD, you need to give either the card access number (CAN) or the document number, the date of birth and the date of expiry. These values are required for the server to access the chip. Please refer to ICAO 9303 Part 4 for detailed information about these values.

Example App

### System Requirements

* [Android SDK][android]

Please put the Android platform tools from the SDK in your PATH:

export PATH=path/to/android/sdk/platform-tools:$PATH

Also make sure that your Android home directory is available in the environment
variable ANDROID_HOME on the command line if you want to use the enclosed [Makefile](Makefile):

export ANDROID_HOME=path/to/android/sdk/

### Running

First enable [adb debugging][debugging] on the mobile device and plug it in.

On a system with a Unix shell and [make][make] simply run:

$ make

The (short and very readable) [Makefile](Makefile) covers building, running and more.

Alternatively just open the project with [Android Studio][android] and click run.

## Usage of the Module `kta-kinegram-emrtd-connector-lib-android`

**See the file [README.md](kta-kinegram-emrtd-connector-lib-android/README.md) in the
Module `kta-kinegram-emrtd-connector-lib-android`**

The example app project includes Kotlin Sample Code (`ReadingActivity.kt`) and Java Sample Code
(`ReadingActivityJava.java`) to demonstrate the usage of this module.

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