Scan, Read and Verify the Machine Readable Zone of ID Cards, Passports or Other Suitable ID Documents

With immediate results, the MOBILE SCAN SDK is able to capture and display printed data from passports, ID cards and driver’s licenses – creating confidence and convenience in ID verification.


The MOBILE SCAN SDK can easily be integrated into any existing app and is able to capture the data of ID cards, passports and driver’s licenses. There is a multitude of use cases where this automatic data capture brings benefits in the form of process efficiency, smooth user experience, and higher data quality.

Use Cases of the MOBILE SCAN SDK

  • Authentication of persons*
  • Guest registration in hospitality
  • Member registrations for associations, clubs, …
  • Hotel Check-ins
  • Customer onboarding situations
  • Travel facilitation
  • Age checks for enforcing entry restrictions

* if the Mobile Scan SDK is used in combination with our MOBILE CHIP SDK and biometric checks.


  1. Scan the MRZ on an ID card or passport according to ICAO Document 9303
  2. Or scan the PDF417 used on driver’s licenses and ID cards according to ISO/IEC 15438.
  3. Check the displayed data in your app. That’s it!

The characteristics of the MOBILE SCAN SDK

  • Fast and reliable scan of MRZ and PDF417
  • Off-line data inspection and verification
  • Easy to integrate with other SDKs
  • Compatible with Apple and Android operating systems

MOBILE SCAN SDK can easily be integrated

OVD Kinegram provides different SDKs for identity proofing. The MOBILE SCAN SDK can be combined with the MOBILE CHIP SDK and own apps of customers.

Eager for more technical details on the MOBILE SCAN SDK?

See how the Mobile Scan SDK can be integrated in your solution. Get answers to your questions on the read-me pages.

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secure identity verification


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