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The eMRTD Connector enables the Document Validation Server (DocVal) to communicate with the eMRTD through a secure WebSocket connection.
The Xcode Project Sources/ExampleApp.xcodeproj
contains an Example App to demonstrate usage and functionality.
Set your Team in the Signing & Capabilities
settings for all Targets in this project.
Select the scheme ExampleApp
and click Run.
The Swift Package can be included in apps with Deployment Target 11.0 or later.
Adding package dependencies to your app
into the search field.Add Package
and click Add Package
.Add the pod KinegramEmrtdConnector
to your Podfile.
target 'MyApp' do
pod 'KinegramEmrtdConnector', '~> 1.0.0'
Run $ pod install
in your project directory.
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