Secure and Efficient Onboarding of new Customers for Better Business Results

Download White Paper Secure and Efficient Onboarding of new Customers for Better Business Results

Secure customer onboarding is crucial for enterprises as it builds trust with new users by safeguarding their personal information right from the start.

A secure onboarding process minimizes the risk of data breaches and fraud, which can have significant financial and reputational repercussions for a company.

Furthermore, compliance with data protection regulations during the onboarding phase helps enterprises avoid legal penalties and maintain their operational integrity in highly regulated industries.

Secure and efficient customer onboarding lead to:

Higher Conversion Rates

Dig­i­tal on­board­ing, char­ac­ter­ized by its seam­less and ef­fi­cient work­flows, can boost con­ver­sion rates by up to 50 %.

Revenue Growth

En­gag­ing in high­touch, per­son­al­ized on­board­ing can lead to a rev­enue in­crease of 7.4 % in the first 18 months.

Increased Customer Loyalty

Pro­vid­ing a smooth on­board­ing pro­cess can se­cure as much as 86 % cus­tomer loy­al­ty.

Reduced Support Costs

Com­pa­nies that lack a sol­id on­board­ing strat­e­gy face in­creased sup­port costs – up to 47 % high­er per cus­tomer.

Decreased Customer Dropout

In­ad­e­quate on­board­ing can lead to a dropout rate of 40 – 60 % among users, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the soft­ware sec­tor.

In the White Paper “Secure and Efficient Onboarding of new Customers for Better Business Results” you will learn more about:

  1. The importance of efficient and secure customer onboarding
  2. Strategic and technical aspects
  3. Fundamentals and best practices
  4. Identity verification methods
  5. Self-service processes with the MOBILE CHIP SDK
  6. Measuring success and trends
  7. Conclusions and actionable recommendations

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