Evaluate our Server on Your Premises

This article emphasizes the simplicity of assessing our secure identity verification solution using an on-premise test server.

Our range of evaluation possibilities is designed to cater to various needs. We provide quick on-location verifications through the DIGITAL SEAL app and more extensive choices such as App Clips for iOS and Instant Apps for Android. For verifying identities online, we offer a user-friendly web interface or with our eMRTD Connector as a SDK. Moreover, our on-premise test server option allows for a deeper and more flexible evaluation approach.

On-Premise Server: Customizable and Secure

Customers can establish their on-premise server for identity verification. Necessary sources are available for download at Registry | Docker Docs, enabling a tailored and secure setup. On-premise servers offer several advantages for organizations, particularly in scenarios where control, security, and performance are crucial.

This is how you easily may set up your own on-premise server:

  1. Sign the OVD Kinegram NDA and the agreement on the software evaluation license.
  2. You receive a user and password.
  3. Go to the Kinegram Docker Docs.
  4. Download the Docker image.
  5. Run the Docker image in your Docker environment.
  6. Integrate our eMRTD Connector SDK into your app or publish an App Clip or Instant App with our eMRTD Connector integrated to evaluate our solution.

Key Benefits of the On-Premise Server for Identity Verification

On-premise test servers offer several advantages for organizations, particularly in scenarios where control, security, and performance are paramount. Here are the key benefits:

  • Enhanced security: On-premise servers provide a high level of security control. You can implement your own security protocols and do not rely on third-party cloud providers. This is especially beneficial if your business handles sensitive data that must comply with strict regulatory standards.
  • Customization and control: With an on-premise server, your organization has complete control over your hardware and software environment. This allows for customized configurations that meet specific testing needs, which might not be possible with cloud-based solutions.
  • Data sovereignty: Companies that need to ensure their data remains within a specific geographic location for legal reasons find on-premise servers advantageous. Data sovereignty is easier to guarantee when the physical hardware is located on the company’s premises.
  • Performance and reliability: On-premise servers can offer a high reliable performance, particularly in terms of network latency, as they are often located within the same region as the users.
  • Integration with existing infrastructure: On-premise servers can be seamlessly integrated with your company’s existing IT infrastructure. This can simplify data sharing and reduce compatibility issues often encountered with external services.

The Advantages of the On-Premise Server for Identity Verification

For different roles within an organization, the advantages of an on-premise test server for identity verification can vary based on their specific responsibilities and concerns:

For a CEO

  • Regulatory compliance assurance: CEOs, responsible for the overall legal and regulatory adherence of the company, appreciate the control on-premise servers provide in ensuring compliance with data protection laws and industry-specific regulations.
  • Enhanced data security and privacy: CEOs value the heightened security that on-premise servers offer, ensuring sensitive identity data is safeguarded against external threats, which is critical for maintaining customer trust and corporate reputation.
  • Cost management: Over the long term, on-premise servers can be more cost-effective, avoiding the recurring expenses associated with cloud services, which aligns with a CEO’s focus on financial efficiency and budget optimization.

For a CTO

  • Integration with existing systems: On-premise servers allow for smoother integration with the existing IT infrastructure, which is crucial for CTOs overseeing the coherent operation of the organization’s technology landscape.
  • Customization and technical flexibility: CTOs benefit from the ability to customize the server’s configuration and security settings to fit the specific technical requirements of identity verification systems.
  • Direct control over updates and maintenance: The CTO can manage and schedule updates, maintenance, and modifications without relying on external providers, ensuring minimal downtime and disruption to services.

For a Software Developer

  • Simple integration through downloading the DockerImage and deploying the DockerServer.
  • Optimized testing environment: Developers can leverage the stability and control of on-premise servers to create a consistent and reliable testing environment for identity verification applications.
  • Immediate access to the system for troubleshooting: Direct access to the physical server allows developers to quickly address hardware issues or perform upgrades, enhancing development efficiency.
  • Reduced latency for development and testing: The proximity of on-premise servers significantly reduces network latency, which is essential for developers when building and testing real-time identity verification solutions.

Each role, from strategic management to technical execution, finds unique value in an on-premise test server for identity verification, tailored to their specific responsibilities and requirements within the organization.

Evaluate the On-Premise Server Based Identity Verification – Conclusion and Outlook

OVD Kinegram, the global leader in protecting identities, delivers a remarkable fusion of advanced technology and user-friendly experience through its on-premise test server identity verification solutions. This method transforms the process of ID document verification, offering an inventive and user-focused approach.

On-premise test servers for identity verification offer significant benefits, particularly in security, customization, and long-term cost-effectiveness. Enhanced data security is paramount in protecting sensitive information, while customization allows for precise alignment with organizational needs and regulatory standards. Financially, these servers can be more viable long-term due to the absence of recurring cloud service costs.

Looking ahead, the evolution of on-premise servers may involve integrating emerging technologies, while maintaining their core strengths in security and control. Hybrid models combining on-premise and cloud features could become more prevalent, offering a balanced solution in terms of scalability, flexibility, and security. Despite the rise of cloud solutions, on-premise servers remain a relevant and reliable choice for organizations prioritizing data security and regulatory compliance.

Overall, while cloud-based solutions are gaining popularity, on-premise test servers continue to be a viable and often necessary option for many businesses, offering a level of control, security, and customization that cloud services may not be able to match.

More articles in our blog series “How to evaluate our solution”

How to Evaluate Our Solution: DIGITAL SEAL app
How to Evaluate Our Solution: Web-Based Online Identity Verification
How to Evaluate Our Solution: App Clips and Instant Apps
How to Evaluate Our Solution: Server on Your Premises

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